miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Zelaya: Honduras election 'a fraud'

From: "andres thomas conteris"


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Zelaya, left, has been touring regional states to build up support for his efforts to regain office [EPA]

Manuel Zelaya, the ousted Honduran president, has said elections is his country due to be held on November 29 will be viewed as a fraud by the international community.

Speaking to reporters in Washington, where he has been meeting with representatives from the Organisation of American States (OAS), Zelaya said he had been assured the result of the poll would not be recognised.

"To continue with this electoral process, under a coup d'etat - a coup that has alarmed the international community - would be a fraud, which the (OAS) countries expressed today." he said after talks with the organisation's permanent council.

"They are not willing to recognise either the electoral process, nor the result of the elections, nor who wins the elections under an illegitimate, de-facto regime."

Government soldiers flew Zelaya out of Honduras at gunpoint in June, months before the end of his term.

The interim Honduran government led by Roberto Micheletti has ignored international condemnation and is pushing ahead with preparations for the November elections, which were scheduled before Zelaya's removal.

Interim leaders have expressed hope that international interest in restoring

Zelaya will fade once the vote takes place - a strategy that some of Zelaya's allies fear will work.

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