miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

EE.UU. "presiona" a los golpistas

From: Paso Del Burro

AYER vimos la conferencia de prensa en directo del departamento de estado... donde se explico que una delegacion de Honduras fue recibida pero en su rol de "ciudadanos hondurenos" y no como asesores del gobierno de facto.

La delegacion llego no para exponer, sino para escuchar. El planteamiento fue claro y se llevo a cabo con testigos internacionales en la sede de la OEA en Washington.

Se le envio un mensaje al usurpador gobierno: que se pliegue a la propuesta Arias.. y que permita, de manera categorica, el regreso del Presidente Constitucional de Honduras... Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

QUESTION: Do you have any update on the meeting today with the delegation from Honduras with, I think, Assistant Secretary of State Craig Kelly?

MR. KELLY: Yeah. Craig Kelly is the Acting Assistant Secretary of State. There is -- there is a delegation representing the de facto regime, which is in Washington today. They have meetings at the headquarters of the Organization of American States. The primary purpose, as I understand it, for this trip is for them to prepare the ground for a trip that’s being planned of a commission – I believe the foreign ministers from the OAS – that’s going to be going soon to Honduras.

Within the context of those meetings, there’s going to be a group of State Department officials who are going to meet with them again, within the context of trying to move this situation that we have towards a peaceful resolution, towards restoration of democratic and constitutional power in Honduras. So it’s within that context that State Department colleagues are going to be meeting with this group. But it in no way – I’d like to emphasize this in no way is meant to imply any kind of acceptance of the de facto regime in Tegucigalpa.

QUESTION: And it’s going – sorry.

MR. KELLY: Yeah, go ahead. You had a follow up?

QUESTION: It’s going to be for the Arias process?

MR. KELLY: Yes. Yeah.

QUESTION: Nothing –

MR. KELLY: It’s within that context, yeah.


Carlos Chirinos
BBC Mundo, Washington

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